My projects involve extensive experience with national and state parks, public lands, urban parks, and conservation projects and programs. The emphasis of this work is creating innovative projects, programs, and partnerships for contemporary opportunities and challenges.

U.S. National Parks and
Public Lands

The Golden Gate
National Parks

Urban Parks
and Livability

International Projects/
“Greg’s special brand of leadership includes a broad view of all the benefits of our national parks and public lands. His accomplishments in creating projects and programs to serve and engage schools, youth, public libraries, public health professionals, and community artists have made our parks more relevant and accessible for a diverse array of visitors. Through award-winning programs, Greg led the Conservancy team, along with our park partners, in making these treasured places environments for lifelong learning.”
Milton Chen, Executive Director Emeritus, George Lucas Educational Foundation, Author of Education Nation and Contributor to America’s Biggest Classroom, What We Learn from our National Parks, Former Chair of Education Committee, National Park System Advisory Board